
Bibliography of E. N. Anderson



Just about 8400 pages as of 2021 (after bk 32, article 51, chap 61).  Splitting the difference on coauthored books.


  Books and Monographs

 1.  1970.  The Floating World of Castle Peak Bay.  Washington, DC:  American Anthropological Association, Anthropological Studies Series, Vol. 3, 274 pages.

 2.  1972.  Essays on South China’s Boat People.  Taipei: Orient Cultural Service.  146 pages.

 3.  1973.  Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  Mountains and Water.  Taipei:  Orient Cultural Service.  179 pages.  

 4.  1978.  Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  Fishing in Troubled Waters: Research on the Chinese Fishing Industry in West Malaysia.  346 pages.  Taipei: Orient Cultural Service.

 5.  1978.  A Revised, Annotated Bibliography of the Chumash and Their Predecessors.  Socorro, New Mexico:  Ballena Press.  82 pp.

6.  1983.  Coyote Space.  Shelter Cove, CA: Holmgangers Press.  26 pp.  (Poetry.)

7.  1988.  The Food of China.  New Haven: Yale University Press.  263 pp.

7a.  1997.  One chapter, “Traditional Medical Values of Food,” reprinted (from above) in a book of readings in nutritional anthropology: Counihan, Carole, and Penny Van Esterik (eds.): Food and Culture: A Reader.  New York and London: Routledge.  Pp. 80-91.

8.  1996.  Ecologies of the Heart.  New York: Oxford University Press.  xiii + 256 pp.

8a.  1999.  One chapter, “Chinese Nutritional Therapy” (pp. 29-54), reprinted in a book of readings in nutritional anthropology: Alan Goodman, Darna Dufour and Getel Pelto (eds.), Nutritional Anthropology:  Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition.  Mountain View, CA:  Mayfield.  Pp. 198-211.

9.  1996.  Ed./introduction to:  Duff, Wilson: Bird of Paradox, the Unpublished Writings of Wilson Duff.  Surrey, B.C.: Hancock House.  (Introductory material, pp. 1-117, and editorial matter, pp. 281-313, plus overall editing, of posthumous work by a leading Canadian anthropologist.)

10. 1997.   Coyote Way.  Pleasant Hills, CA:  Small Poetry Press.  100 pp.  (Poetry.)

11.  2000.  A Soup for the Qan.  By Paul D. Buell and E. N. Anderson.  London:  Kegan Paul International.  715 pp.  (Chinese text [ca. 160 pp.], translation, and book-length editorial matter, scholarly commentary, and annotations.)

Second edition, 2010.  Xviii, 662 pp.  Leiden:  Brill.

12.  2003.  Those Who Bring the Flowers:  Maya Ethnobotany in Quintana Roo, Mexico.  By E. N. Anderson with José Cauich Canul, Aurora Dzib, Salvador Flores Guido, Gerald Islebe, Felix Medina Tzuc, Odilón Sánchez Sánchez, and Pastor Valdez Chale.  Chetumal, Quintana Roo:  ECOSUR.  323 pp.

Spanish edition:  Las Plantas de los Mayas:  Etnobotánica en Quintana Roo, México.  Tr. Gerald Islebe and Odilón Sánchez Sánchez.  Chetumal:  Colegio de la Frontera Sur (successor to ECOSUR).

13.  2004.  Introduction to Cultural Ecology, by Mark Q. Sutton and E. N. Anderson.  Walnut Creek:  AltaMira (division of Rowman and Littlefield).  Xiii + 385 pp. 

Second edition, 2009.

Third edition, 2013.

14.  2004.  Rights, Resources, Culture, and Conservation in the Land of the Maya.  Ed. by Betty B. Faust, E. N. Anderson, and John G. Frazier.  Westport, CT:  Greenwood.

15.  2005.  Everyone Eats.  New York:  New York University Press.  Viii + 294 pp. 

2nd edn., 2014.

16.  Chase-Dunn, Christopher, and E. N. Anderson, eds. 2005.  The Historical Evolution of World-Systems.  New York:  Palgrave MacMillan. 

17.  2005.  Animals and the Maya in Southeast Mexico, by E. N. Anderson and Felix Medina Tzuc.  Tucson:  University of Arizona Press.  Xviii + 251 pp.

18.  2005.  Political Ecology in a Yucatec Maya Community.  Tucson:  University of Arizona Press.  Xx + 275 pp. 

19.  2007.  Floating World Lost:  A Hong Kong Fishing Community.  New Orleans:  University Press of the South. Ix + 206 pp.

20.  2008.  Mayaland Cuisine: The Food of Maya Mexico.  St. Louis: Mira Publishing Co. 

2nd edn., 2013, 213 pp.

21.  2010.  The Pursuit of Ecotopia:  Lessons from Indigeonous and Traditional Societies for the Human Ecology of Our Modern World.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Praeger (imprint of ABC-Clio).  Xiii + 251 pp. 

22.  2011  Ethnobiology, ed. by E. N. Anderson, Deborah M. Pearsall, Eugene S. Hunn, and Nancy J. Turner.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.  Viii + 399 pp.

23.   2013  Warning Signs of Genocide, by Eugene N. Anderson and Barbara A. Anderson.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (division of Rowman and Littlefield).  Xiii + 213 pp.

24.   2014.  Caring for Place.  Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.  305 pp.  (Selected by Choice magazine as an Outstanding Academic Book for 2014; about 1/10 of books they review, and thus about 2.5% of all academic books, make this cut)

25.  2014.  Food and Environment in Early and Medieval China.  Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press. 338 pp.

Reviews: Robert Hart, Economic Botany 70:94; Kaori O’Connor, Journal of Anthropological Research 72:1,

26.  2016  Barbara Anderson and Gene Anderson:  A Power of Good: Language of a Midwestern Childhood.  Chesterfield, MO: Mira Publishing.  95 pp.  (Popular booklet.)

27.   2017  K’oben: 3,000 Years of the Maya Hearth, by Amber O’Connor and E. N. Anderson.  Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.  203 pp.

28.    2017  E. N. Anderson and Barbara Anderson.  Halting Genocide in America.  Chesterfield, MO: Mira Publishing.  91 pp.

29.    2019  The East Asian World-System: Climate and Dynastic Change.  Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.  Xii + 248 pp.

30.     2020  Paul D. Buell, E. N. Anderson, Montserrat de Pablo, and Moldir Oskenbay.  Crossroads of Cuisine: The Eurasian Heartland, the Silk Roads, and Foods.  Leiden:  Brill. xi + 340 pp. 

31.     2020  E. N. Anderson and Barbara Anderson.  Complying with Genocide: The Wolf You Feed.  Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.  172 pp.

32.     2021  Paul D. Buell and Eugene N. Anderson.  Arabic Medicine in China: Tradition, Innovation, and Change.  Leiden: Brill.  1005 pp.

Refereed/Scholarly Journal Articles

 1.        1963    “Tahitian Bonito Fishing,” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 28:87-113. 

 2.        1964    “A Bibliography of the Chumash and Their Predecessors,” University of California Archaeological Survey Reports 61:25-74. 

 3.        1967    “Prejudice and Ethnic Stereotypes in Rural Hong Kong,” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 37:90-107.

 4.        1967    “The Folksongs of the Hong Kong Boat People,” Journal of American Folklore 80:285-296.  Reprinted in Essays on South China’s Boat People, 1972.

 5.+      1968    “Changing Patterns of Land Use in Rural Hong Kong,” Pacific Viewpoint 9:1:33-50.  Reprinted in Mountains and Water, 1973.

 6.        1969    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “Folk Medicine in Rural Hong Kong.”  Ethnoiatria II:I.  Reprinted in Mountains and Water, 1973. 

 7.        1969    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “Cantonese Ethnohoptology.”  Ethnos, pp. 107-117.  Reprinted in Mountains and Water, 1973.

 8.        1969    “Sacred Fish,” Man 4:3:443-449.  Reprinted in Essays on South China’s Boat People, 1972.

 9.        1970    “The Boat People of South China,”  Anthropos 65:248-256. Reprinted in Essays on South China’s Boat People, 1972.

10.       1970    “Traditional Aquaculture in Hong Kong,” Journal of Tropical Geography 30:11-16.

11.       1970    “Reflexions sue la cuisine.”  L’Homme 10:2:122-124.

12.       1970    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “The Social Context of a Local Lingo.”  Western Folklore XXXIX:153-165.

13.       1971    “Beginnings of a Radical Ecology Movement.”  Biological Conservation 3:4:1-2.

14.       1972    “Radical Ecology:  Notes on a Conservation Movement.”  Biological Conservation 4:4:285-291.

15.       1972    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “Penang Hokkien Ethnohoptology.”  Ethnos 1-4:134-147.

16.       1972    “Some Chinese Methods of Dealing with Crowding.”  Urban Anthropology 1:2:141-150.  Reprinted in Mountains and Water, 1973. 

17.       1972    “On the Folk Art of Landscaping”  Western Folklore  XXXI:3:179-188. 

18.       1973    “A Case Study in Conservation Politics:  California’s Coastline Initiative.”   Biological Conservation 5:3:160-162. 

19.       1974    “On the Need for Studies of Food Consumption Ideas.”  Journal of the New Alchemists 2:128-132. 

28.       1975    “Songs of the Hong Kong Boat People.”  Chinoperl News 5:8-ll4. 

21.       1977    “The Changing Tastes of the Gods.” Asian Folklore 36:1:19-30. 

22.       1980    “’Heating’ and ‘Cooling’ Foods in Hong Kong and Taiwan.” Social Science Information 19:2:237-268.

23.       1984    “`Heating’ and `Cooling’ Foods Re-examined.”  Social Science Information 23:4/5:755-773.

24.       1985    “The Complex Causation of South Chinese Foodways.”  Annals of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest, pp. 147-158. 

25.       1985    “Two Chinese Birds Among the Golden Mountains.”  Annals of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest for 1984, pp. 257-259. 

26.       1987    “Why is Humoral Medicine So Popular?”  Social Science and Medicine, 25:4:331-337. 

27.       1987    Eugene N. Anderson and Chun-Hua Wang. “Changing Foodways of Chinese Immigrants in Southern California.”  In Annals of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest, 1985-86, pp. 63-69. 

28.       1990    “Up Against Famine:  Chinese Diet in the Early Twentieth Century.”  Crossroads 1:1:11-24.   

29.       1991  “Chinese Folk Classification of Food Plants.”  Crossroads 1:2:51-67. 

30.      1992  “Chinese Fisher Families: Variations on Chinese Themes.”  Comparative Family Studies 23:2:231-247. 

31.  1992  “A Healing Place: Ethnographic Notes on a Treatment Center.”  Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 9:3/4:1-21. 

32. 1993  “Gardens in Tropical America and Tropical Asia.”  Biotica n.e. 1:81-102. 

33.  1993  “Southeast Asian Gardens: Nutrition, Cash and Ethnicity.”  Biotica n.e. 1:1-12. 

34.  1998  Teresa Wang and E. N. Anderson.  “Ni Tsan and His ‘Cloud Forest Hall collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating.’”  Petits Propos Culinaires 60:24-41. 

            34a.  Reprinted with additions and corrections by Victor Mair and ENA:  Eugene N. Anderson, Teresa Wang, and Victor Mair.  2005.  “Ni Zan, Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating.”  In Victor Mair, Nancy Steinhardt and Paul R. Goldin (eds.), Hawai’i Reader in Traditional Chinese Culture.  Honolulu, HI:  University of Hawaii Press.  Pp. 444-455.

35.  1999  “Child-raising among Hong Kong Fisherfolk: Variations on Chinese Themes.”  Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 86:121-155. 

36.  2000  E. N. Anderson, Teik Aun Wong and Lynn Thomas.  “Good and Bad Persons: The Construction of Ethical Discourse in a Chinese Fishing Community.” Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 87:129-167. 

37.  2000  “Maya Knowledge and ‘Science Wars.’”  Journal of Ethnobiology 20:129-158.

38.  2002  “Some Preliminary Observations on the California Black Walnut (Juglans californica).  Fremontia 30:12-19.  (Nonrefereed  scholarly journal of the California Native Plant Society).

39.  2004  Barbara A. Anderson, E. N. Anderson, Tracy Franklin, and Aurora Dzib-Xihum de Cen.  “Pathways of Decision Making among Yucatan Mayan Traditional Birth Attendants.”  Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 49:4:312-319.

40.  2007  “Malaysian Foodways:  Confluence and Separation.”  Ecology of Food and Nutrition 46:205-220 (Special Issue:  Tribute to Christine S. Wilson (1919-2005), ed. by Barrett P. Brenton, Miriam Chaiken, and Leslie Sue Lieberman.)

41.  2011  “Yucatec Maya Botany and the ‘Nature’ of Science.”  Journal of Ecological Anthropology 14:67-73.

42.         2012  E. N. Anderson and Barbara Anderson: “Development and the Yucatec Maya in Quintana Roo: Some Successes and Failures.”  Journal of Political Ecology 18:51-65.

43.  2012  “Anthropology of Religion and Environment: A Skeletal History to 1970.”  Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 6:9-36.

44.   2012  Hiroko Inoue, Alexis Alvarez, Kirk Lawrence, Anthony Roberts, E. N. Anderson and Christopher Chase-Dunn.  “Polity Scale Shifts in World-Systems Since the Bronze Age: A Comparative Inventory of Upsweeps and Collapses.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 53:210-229.  (I contributed only about 1% of this.)

45.   2012  “Religion in Conservation and Management:  A Durkheimian View.”  Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 6:398-420.

46.    2013  “Conquest, Migration and Food in Mongol China: Yuan Food in Chinese Context.”  Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture 9:1-51.

47.     2016.  “Birds of the Mongol Empire.”  Ethnobiology Letters 7:1:67-73.

48.     2017  “Birds in Maya Imagination: A Historical Ethno-ornithology.”  Journal of Ethnobiology 37:637-662.

49.     2017  Chelsey Geralda Armstrong, Anna C. Shoemaker, Iain McKechnie, Anneli Ekblom, Péter Szabó, Paul J. Lane, Alex C. McAlvay, Oliver J. Boles, Sarah Walshaw, Nik Petek, Kevin S. Gibbons, Erendira Quintana Morales, Eugene N. Anderson, [8 others], Carole Crumley.  “Anthropological Contributions to Historical Ecology: 50 Questions, Infinite Prospects.”  PloS One,  Ca. 40 pp.

50.     2019  Christopher Chase-Dunn, Peter Grimes, and Eugene N. Anderson, “Cyclical Evolution of the Global Right.”  Canadian Review of Sociology 56:529-555.

51.     2021  Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, et al. and 29 others.  I am #14.  “Scientists’ Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems.”  Journal of Ethnobiology 41:144-169.

Invited Book Chapters and Working Papers

1.         1972    “The Life and Culture of Ecotopia,”  in Reinventing Anthropology, edited by Dell Hymes.  New York: Pantheon Press, pp. 264-283.  Reprinted in paperback, Vintage, 1973.

2.         1975    “Chinese Fishermen in Hong Kong and Malaysia,” in Maritime Adaptations in the Pacific, edited by Richard Casteel and George I. Quimby, pp. 231-246.  Hague:      Mouton.  (In “World Anthropology” series.)

3.         1975    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “Folk Dietetics in Two Chinese Communities and its implications for the Study of Chinese Medicine.”  In Medicine in Chinese Cultures, edited by Arthur Kleinman, Peter Kunstadter, E. Russell         Alexander, and James E. Gale.  USHEW, pp. 143-176.

4.         1977    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson.  “Modern China: South.”  In Food in Chinese Culture, edited by K.C. Chang, Yale University Press, 1977, pp. 319-382.

5.         1978    Eugene N. Anderson and Marja L. Anderson and John H.C. Ho.  “Environmental Background of Young Chinese Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients.”  In Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Etiology and Control, edited by G. Dethe and Y. Ito.  Lyon, France:  WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer.  Pp. 231-240. 

6.         1979    “Social History of Hong Kong Boat Folk Songs” in Legend, Lore and Religion in China: Essays in Honor of Wolfram Eberhard on His Seventieth Birthday,” edited by Sarah Allen and Alvin Cohen, CMC Asian Library Series No. 13. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, pp. 155-175.

7.         1981    “The Changing Social Context of Hong Kong Fishermen’s Songs.”  Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa: China, Vol. I.  Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico.  15 pp.

8.         1982    “Cuisine,” invited article for The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 382-390.

           Reprinted with some revisions in the second edition of the encyclopedia, 1991, pp. 368-377.

9.         1983    “A View from the Bottom: The Rise and Decline of a Malaysian Chinese Town.”  In The Chinese in Southeast Asia, Vol. 2, Peter Gosling and Linda Lim, eds., pp. 147-169.  Singapore: Maruzen Asia.

10.       1984    “Ecologies of the Heart.”  In Proceedings, International Chinese Conference, Michael W. Gandy, Mason Shen and Effram Korngold, eds., pp. 205-230.  Oakland: Michael Gandy.

11.       1985    “A Mosaic of Two Food Systems on Penang Island, Malaysia.”  In Food Energy in Tropical Systems, Dorothy Cattle and Karl Schwerin, eds.  Food and Nutrition in History and Anthropology Series, Vol. l4, pp. 83-104.  New York: Gordon and Breach. 

12.       1987    “A Malaysian Tragedy of the Commons.”  In The Question of the Commons, McCay, Bonnie, and James Acheson, eds.  Tucson: University of Arizona Press.  Pp. 327-343. 

13.       1987    Eugene N. Anderson and Harry Lawton.  “Chinese Religion, Temples and Festivals in the San Bernardino Valley.  In Wong Ho Leun: An American Chinatown.  The Great Basin Foundation, editors. San Diego: The Great Basin Foundation.  Vol. 2, pp. 25-44. 

14.       1989    “The First Green Revolution:  Chinese Agriculture in the Han Dynasty.”  Food and Farm, Christina Gladwin and Kathleen Truman, eds.  New York:  University Press of America and Society for Economic Anthropology, pp. 135-151. 

15.      1994  “Food and Health at the Mongol Court.”  In: Kaplan, Edward H., and Donald W. Whisenhunt (eds.): Opuscula Altaica: Essays Presented in Honor of Henry Schwarz.  Bellingham: Western Washington University, pp. 17-43. 

16.      1994  “Fish as Gods and Kin.”  In: Dyer, Christopher, and James R. McGoodwin (eds.): Folk Management in the World’s Fisheries.  Niwot, CO: University Press of Colorado,  pp. 139-160. 

17.      1994  “Food.”  In: Wu Dingbo and Patrick Murphy (eds.): Handbook of Chinese Popular Culture.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 35-54.

18.      1995  “Prinz Wen Huis Koch–Einfuhrung in die chinesische Nahrungs-Therapie.”  In: Keller, Frank Beat (ed.):  Krank Warum?  Ostfildern, Germany: Cantz (for Swiss Ethnological Museum), pp. 3-22. 

19.      1995  “Natural Resource Use in a Maya Village.”  In: Fedick, Scott, and Karl Taube (eds.): The View from Yalahau.  Riverside: Latin American Studies Program Field Report Series #2.  Pp. 139-148.

20.      1996  “Gardens of Chunhuhub.”  In: Hostetler, Ueli (ed.): Los Mayas de Quintana Roo: Investigaciones antropologicas recientes.  Universitat Bern, Institut fur Ethnologie, Arbeitsblatter, #14.  Pp. 64-76.

            20a.  1998.  Republished in slightly different form in Tercer Congreso Internacional de Mayistas, Memoria.  Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma de México and Universidad de Quintana Roo.  Pp. 291-310.

21.     2001  “Flowering Apricot:  Environmental Practice, Folk Religion, and Daoism.”  In: N. J. Girardot, James Miller, and Liu Xiaogan (eds.):  Daoism and Ecology: Ways within a Cosmic Landscape.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University, Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School.  Pp. 157-184.

            Translated into Chinese for Chinese edition of this book, Beijing, 2008.

22.      2001  “Comments.”  In: Richard Ford (ed.), Ethnobiology at the Millennium.  Ann Arbor, MI:  Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.  Anthropological papers No. 91.  Pp. 175-186.  (Comments on a series of papers from the Society of Ethnobiology annual conference, 2000, published here in book form.)

23.     2002  “Biodiversity Conservation: A New View from Mexico.”   In:  John R. Stepp, Felice S. Wyndham, and Rebecca K. Zarger (eds.):  Ethnobiology and Biocultural Diversity.  Athens, GA:   University of Georgia Press.   Pp. 113-122.

24.     2003  “Traditional Knowledge of Plant Resources.”  In:  A. Gomez-Pompa, M. F. Allen, Scott Fedick, and Juan J. Jimenez-Osornio (eds.): The Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface.  New York:  Haworth Press.  Pp. 533-550.

25.      2003  “Caffeine and Culture.”  In:  William Jankowiak and Daniel Bradburd (eds.):  Drugs, Labor, and Colonial Expansion.  Tucson: University of Arizona Press.  Pp. 159-176.

26.       2003  “China,” subentries “Ancient and Dynastic China,” “Beijing (Peking) Cuisine,” “Guangzhou (Canton) Cuisine,” “Sichuan (Szechuan) Cuisine,” “Zhejiang (Chekiang) Cuisine,” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, ed. by Solomon Katz and William Woys Weaver.  New York:  Charles Scribners’ Sons.  Pp. 379–396.

27.       2003  “Ess- und Trinkkultur.”  Das Grosse China-Lexikon, ed. by Brunhild Staiger, Stefan Friedrich und Hans-Wilm Schütte.  Darmstadt, Germany:  Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.  Pp. 194-197.  (Encyclopedia entry.)

28.      2004  E. N. Anderson, Betty B. Faust, John G. Frazier.  “Introduction:  An Environmental and Cultural History of Maya Communities in the Yucatan Peninsula.”  In:  Betty B. Faust, E. N. Anderson, and John G. Frazier (eds.):  Rights Resources, Culture, and Conservation in the Land of the Maya.   Westport, CT:  Praeger.  Pp. 1-30.

29.      2004  “Valuing the Maya Forests.”  In:  Betty B. Faust, E. N. Anderson, and John G. Frazier (eds.):  Rights Resources, Culture, and Conservation in the Land of the Maya.   Westport, CT:  Praeger.  Pp.  117-130. 

30.      2004  “Heating and Cooling Qi and Modern American Dietary Guidelines:  Personal Thoughts on Cultural Convergence.”  In Jacqueline Newman and Roberta Halperin (eds.):  Chinese Cuisine, American Palate.  New York:  Center for Thanatology Research and Education, Inc.  Pp. 26-33.

31.      2004  Barbara Anderson, E. N. Anderson, and Roseanne Rushing:  “Violence:  Assault on Personhood.”  In Barbara A. Anderson:  Reproductive Health:  Women and Men’s Shared Responsibility.  Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.  Pp. 163-204. 

32.       2005  E. N. Anderson and Christopher Chase-Dunn: “The Rise and Fall of Great Powers.”  In Christopher Chase-Dunn and E. N. Anderson (eds.):  The Historical Evolution of World-Systems.  New York:  Palgrave MacMillan.  Pp. 1-19. 

33.       2005  “Lamb, Rice, and Hegemonic Decline:  The Mongol Empire in the Fourteenth Century.”  In Christopher Chase-Dunn and E. N. Anderson (eds.):  The Historical Evolution of World-Systems.  New York:  Palgrave MacMillan.  Pp. 113-121.

34.       2007  E. N. Anderson and Lisa Raphals: “Taoism and Animals.”  In Paul Waldau and Kimberley Patton (eds.):  A Communion of Subjects:  Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics.  New York:  Columbia University Press.  Pp. 275-290.

35.       2009  “Northwest Chinese Cuisine and the Central Asian Connection.”  In David Holm (ed.), Regionalism and Globalism in Chinese Culinary Culture.  Taipei:  Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture.  Pp. 49-78.

36.     2009  “Cuisines” and “Health, Nutrition, and Food,” Berkshire Encyclopedia of China (online), pp. 529-535 and 1010-1012.

37.     2010  “Indigenous Traditions:  Asia.”  Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, vol. 1, The Spirit of Sustainability.  Pp. 216-221.

38.       2010  “Food and Feasting in the Zona Maya of Quintana Roo.”  In John Staller and Michael Carrasco (eds.), Pre-Columbian Foodways:  Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica.  New York:  Springer.  Pp. 441-465.

39.      2010  “Managing Maya Landscapes:  Quintana Roo, Mexico.”  In Leslie Main Johnson and Eugene S. Hunn (eds.), Landscape Ethnoecology:  Concepts of Biotic and Physical Space.  New York:  Berghahn.  Pp. 255-276. 

40.     2010  “Food Cultures:  Linking People to Landscapes.”  In Sarah Pilgrim and Jules Pretty (eds.),  Nature and Culture: Rebuilding Lost Connections.  London:  Earthscan.  Pp. 185-196.

41.     2011  “Emotions, Motivation, and Behavior in Cognitive Anthropology.”  In David Kronenfeld, Giovanni Bennardo, Victor C. de Munck, and Michael D. Fischer (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology.  New York: Wiley-Blackwell.  Pp. 331-354.

42.   2011  “Introduction.”  In E. N. Anderson, Deborah Pearsall, Eugene Hunn and Nancy Turner (eds.),  Ethnobiology.  Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley-Blackwell.  Pp. 1-14.

43.   2011  “Ethnobiology and Agroecology.” In E. N. Anderson, Deborah Pearsall, Eugene Hunn and Nancy Turner (eds.),  Ethnobiology.  Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley-Blackwell.  Pp. 305-318.

44.    2011  “Drawing from Traditional and ‘Indigenous’ Socioecological Theories.”  In Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet, Environmental Anthropology Today.  London:  Routledge.  Pp. 56-74.

45.   2011  “War, Migration, and Food in Mongol China:  Yuan Dynasty Food and Medicine.”  In Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture.  Taiwan:  Foundation for Chinese Dietary Culture.  Pp. 1-32. 

46.    2011  “China.”  In Food Cultures of the World:  Encyclopedia.  Vol.:  Asia, Ken Albala, ed.  Santa Barbara, CA:  ABC-Clio.  Pp. 61-72.

Access electronically: User B5342E, password abccomp.

47.     2013  “Culture and the Wild.”  In The Rediscovery of the Wild,Peter H. Kahn, Jr., and Patricia H. Hasbach, eds.  Cambridge, MA:  MIT Press.  Pp. 157-180.

48.     2013  “What Shapes Cognition?  Traditional Sciences and Modern International Science.”  In Explorations in Ethnobiology: The Legacy of Amadeo Rea, Marsha Quinlan and Dana Lepofsky, eds.  Denton, TX:  Society of Ethnobiology.  Pp. 47-77.

49.     2013  “Foreword.”  In Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages, Joshua Lockyer and James Veteto, eds.  New York: Berghahn.  Pp. xi-xviii.

50.     2013  “Learning Is Like Chicken Feet: Assembling the Chinese Food System.”  In International Conference on Foodways and Heritage, Conference Proceedings, Sidney C. H. Cheung and Chau Hing-wah, eds.  Hong Kong: Government of Hong Kong, Leisure and Cultural Services Dept.  Pp. 3-20.

51.     2013  Stand Straight and Never Bend:  How China Fed Millions of People for Thousands of Years.  Working Paper #1, Dept. of Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University [Zhongshan University], Guangdong, China.  24 pp.

52.      2013  “Tales Best Told Out of School:  Traditional Life-Skills Education Meets Modern Science Education.”  In Anthropology of Environmental Education, Helen Kopnina, ed.  New York: Novinka.  Pp. 1-24.

53.      2014  “China.”  In Food in Time and Place: The American Historical Association Companion to Food History.  Berkeley: University of California Press.  Pp. 41-67.

54.     2016  “Agriculture, Population, and Environment in Late Imperial China.” In Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History, Ts’ui-jung Liu and James Beattie, eds.  Houndsmill, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.  Pp. 31-58.

Translated into Chinese, Taipei  2018, pp. 55-96

55.     2017  “Ethnobiology and the New Environmental Anthropology.”  In Routledge Handbook of Environmental Anthropology, Helen Kpnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Oiuimet, eds.  Abingdon (Oxford) and New York:  Pp. 31-43.

56.     2017  “Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine in a Yucatec Maya Community.”  In Plants and Health: New Perspectives on the Health-Environment-Plant Nexus, Elizabeth Olson and Richard Stepp, eds.  New York: Springer.  Pp. 1-16.

57.     2018  “Chinese Cuisine.”  In Asian Cuisines: Food Culture form East Asia to Turkey and Afghanistan, Karen Christensen, ed.  Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire.  Pp. 3-11.

58.     2018.  “Traditional Chinese Medicine and Diet.” In Asian Cuisines: Food Culture form East Asia to Turkey and Afghanistan, Karen Christensen, ed.  Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire.  Pp. 12-15.

59.     2019  “Traditional Intensive Organic Farming.”  In Organic Food, Farming and Culture: An Introduction, ed. by Janet Chrzan and Jacqueline A. Ricotta.  London: Bloomsbury Academic.  Pp. 31-43.

60.     2019  E. N. Anderson, Jacqueline A. Ricotta, and Janet Chrzan.  “Conclusion.”  In Organic Food, Farming and Culture: An Introduction, ed. by Janet Chrzan and Jacqueline A. Ricotta.  London: Bloomsbury Academic.  Pp.293-300.

61.     2020  Chelsey Geralda Armstrong and Eugene N. Anderson.  “Ecologies of the Heart.”  In Archaeologies of the Heart, Kisha Supernant, Jane Eva Baxter, Natasha Lyons, and Sonya Atalay, eds.  Cham, Switzerland: SpringerNature.  Pp. 39-58.

62.     2021.  “Ecology: Environments and Empires in World History, 3000 BCE-ca. 1900 CE,” by James Beattie and Eugene Anderson.  In The Oxford World History of Empire. Vol. 1, The Imperial Experience, edited by Peter Fibiger Bang, C. A. Bayly, and Walter Scheidel.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Pp. 460-493.

Electronic Publications

1.       1998  “Managing Maya Commons: Chunhuhub, Quintana Roo.”  Proceedings of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, annual conference, Vancouver, Canada.  One of several papers selected by the organizers of the conference for electronic publication.   (Book chapter 35 above is a greatly expanded and rewritten version.)

2.      2015  China’s Water Problems.  Nottingham University, China Policy Institute, Policy Paper Series, issue 6.

3.  2018   Articles for Wiley International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, online: E. N. Anderson and Kristen Sbrogna,  “Agroecology”;  Mark Q. Sutton and E. N. Anderosn, “Cultural Materialism” (i.e. Cultural Ecology); E. N. Anderson, “Motivation.”

4.     2019  The Cyclical Evolution of the Global Right, by Christopher Chase-Dunn, Peter Grimes, and E. N. Anderson.  Irows working papers 134, at


1.         1966    “Coyote Song,” Coyote’s Journal, #4.  (Refereed, poem)

2.         1966    “Bird Selling in San Hui,” Hong Kong Bird Report, 1965 pp. 49-51.

3.         1968    “The Chumash Indians of Southern California,” Malki Museum Brochure #4.  Malki Museum Press.  (Popular writing) Reprinted 1975.

4.         1969    “The Kingfishers” and “The Duck Farm,” In Transit: The Gary Snyder Issue, pp. 24-25.  (Two poems)

5.         1969    “The Social Factors Have Been Ignored,” Harvard Educational Review, 39:3:581-585.  (Commentary, unrefereed, in major journal.)

6.         1969    “Caucasian Genes in American Negroes,” in Science, 166:3911:1353.  Reprinted in Human Population, Genetic Variation and Evolution, by Laura Newell Morris.  1971, pp. 446-447.  (Letter, reprinted in reader on human genetics.)

7.         1970    “Lineage Atrophy in Chinese Society,” American Anthropologist 72:363-365.   Reprinted in Mountains and Water, 1973.  (Unrefereed research note in major journal)

8.        1970     Invited Comment on: “Mannerism and Cultural Change: An Ethnomusicological Example,” by Ruth Katz, Current Anthropology, XI:469.  (Note)

9.         1970    “Hoklo Boat People,” Urgent Anthropology, Current Anthropology, XI:I:82-83.  (Brief comment in major journal.)

10.       1970    “Toward a Planner’s Guide to Ecology,” Ecology: The Journal of Cultural Transformation, 1:6-11.  (Popular writing)

11.       1970    “Notes for the Biosphere,” Ecology: The Journal of Cultural Transformation, 1:2-5.  (Popular writing)

12.       1971    “A Food Tract,” Ecology: The Journal of Cultural Transformation, 1:3:5-18 and 1:4:6-13.  (Popular writing)

13.       1971    “A Design for the Tropical Center,” The New Alchemy Institute Spring Bulletin, pp. 16-20.  (Scholarly but unrefereed journal.)

14.       1971    “A Design for the Tropical Center” (in Spanish).  Leaflet distributed by The New Alchemy Institute.  6 pages.  (Largely a translation of the previous item.)

15.       1972    Western Riverside County: A Natural History Guide, E. N. Anderson, Riverside.  33 pages.  (Popular writing, booklet)

16.       1972    Man on the Santa Ana.  Tri-County Conservation League Riverside.  10 pages.  (Popular writing, booklet)

17.       1972    The Living Santa Ana River.  Edited and majority written by E.N. Anderson.  Tri-County Conservation League, Riverside.  3l pages.  (Popular writing, booklet)

18.       1972    Herbs.  Jurupa Cultural Center, Riverside.  32 pages. (Popular writing, booklet)

19.       1973    The Edible Forest.  Jurupa Cultural Center, Riverside. 26 pages.  (Popular writing, booklet)

20.       1973    Vegetables.  Jurupa Cultural Center, Riverside.  26 pages.  (Popular writing, booklet)

21.       1977    Comment on Marvin Harris’ “Cultural Ecology of India’s Sacred Cattle.”  Current Anthropology 18:3:552. 

22.       1977    Comment on R. Winzeler.  Current Anthropology 18:3:552.

23.       1977    Will Staple, Gene Anderson, Lowell Levant.  Coyote Run: Poems by Will Staple, Gene Anderson, Lowell Levant.  Anderson Publications, Riverside.  (Book; my poems, pp. 27-56)

24.       1978    “Sea Birds Off Tahiti” Western Tanager.  Journal of Los Angeles Audubon Soceity, p. 6.  (Popular.)

25.       1978    Invited Comment on Paul Diener and Eugene Robkin, “Ecology, Evolution, and the Search for Cultural Origins: The Question of Islamic Pig Prohibition.” Current Anthropology 19:3:509.

26.       1979    “Chinese Food: First Million Years.”  Wok Talk III:5:1, 8.  (Popular.)

27.       1979    “Beijing and Delhi.”  Western Tanager 45:10:6.  (Popular.  Reprinted in Bird Watcher’s Digest.)

28.       1980    Invited comment on Paul Diener, “Quantum Adjustment, Macroevolution, and the Social Field: Some Comments on Evolution and Culture.”  Cultural Anthropology 21:4:431-432.

29.       1980    Comment on Daniel E. Moerman, “On the Anthropology of Symbolic Healing.”  Current Anthropology 22:1:107.

30.       1980    “Food and Philosophy in Ancient China.”  Wok Talk IV:3:1-7.  (Popular.)

31.       1980  “A Closer Look at Hakka Cooking.”  Wok Talk IV:5:1-7. (Popular.)

32.       1980    “Teochiu Cuisine.”  Wok Talk IV:4:1 and 8.  (Popular.)

33.       1980    Eugene N. Anderson and Dexter Kelley.  “Birding in Nearer Baja.”  Western Tanager 47:4:1-3.  (Popular.)

34.       1981    “On Preserving Seafood.”  Wok Talk V:3:2-7.  (Popular.)

35.       1981    “The Foods of China’s Golden Age.”  Wok Talk VI:1:9-10.  (Popular.)

36.       1982    “Wisdom Literature as Prayers to Coyote.”  Coyote’s Journal, P. 64.  (Poem; major journal of poetry and literature)

37.       1983    The Inland Empire: A Natural History Guide.  Jurupa Cultural Center, Riverside.  (Booklet, 62 quarto pp.)

38.      1983  Nunez, Christina; Michael Hogan; E. N. Anderson.  Food Banks and the Anthropology of Voluntary Organizations.  California Anthropology 13:2:23-39.  (Minor unrefereed journal.  I was responsible for about 1/3 of this article.  The other two authors were students here.  Item missing from previous files, because the senior author published it without telling me.)

39.       1984    “Plant Communities and Bird Habitats in Southern California, Part II: The Chaparral.”  Western Tanager 52:3:1-4.  (Popular.)

40.       1985    Three poems in Reflections, Iain Prattis, ed. Washington: American Anthropological Association.  (Collection of poetry by anthropologists about anthropological themes) pp. 211-217.

41.       1985    Invited comment on Cecil Brown, “Mode of Subsistence and Folk Biological Taxonomy.”  Current Anthropology 26:1:53-54.

42.      1986     Invited comment on Cecil Brown, “The Growth of Ethnobiological Nomenclature.”  Current Anthropology 27:1:11-12.

43.       1986    Comment on “The Social Context of Early Food Production”  Current Anthropology 27:3:262-263.

44.       1988    Jean Gilbert, Claudia Fishman, Neil Tashima and Barbara Pillsbury, Fred Hess, Elvin Hatch, Barbara Frankel and Gene Anderson.  “National Association of Practicing Anthropologists’ Ethical Guidelines for Practitioners.”  American Anthropological Association Newsletter 29:8:8-9.

45.      1992  Invited comment “On Training and Certification,” CommuNiCator (Newsletter of the Council on Nutritional Anthropology), 16:1:1-2.

46.      1992  “Can Ancient Maya Wisdom Save Our Favorite Birds from the Cows?”  Western Tanager March 1992, pp. 1-4.  (Popular.)

47.      1992  “Four Fields in Ecological Anthropology,” long contribution to ongoing debate on the “Four Fields in Anthropology,” Anthropology Newsletter (official newsletter of the American Anthropological Assn.), Nov. 1992, p. 3.

48.      1993  “Teaching Philosophy,” statement to accompany Honorable Mention for Distinguished Teaching award from National Association of Student Anthropologists, Anthropology Newsletter, Feb. 1993, p. 18.

49.      1993  “A ‘Blue-Headed’ Solitary Vireo from Baja California,” The Euphonia 2:1:22.  (Brief note)

50.      1993  “How Much Should We Privilege ‘Native’ Accounts?”  American Anthropologist 95:706-707.  (Commentary, unrefereed, in major journal.)

51.      1994  “Caught in the Flood of Urbanization.”  Western Tanager 61:4:1-3.  (Popular.)

52.      1995  “After the Fire: Bird Use of a New Burn.”  Western Tanager 61:7:1-3.  (Popular.)

53.       1995  “On Objectivity vs. Militancy.”  Current Anthropology 36:820-821.  (Commentary.)

54.      1997  “Vegetables, Roots, and Wisdom in Old China.”  Journal of Ethnobiology 17:1:147-148 (Short Communication).

55.      2000  “On an Antiessential Political Ecology.”  Current Anthropology 41:105-106.

56.      2000  “On ‘Are East African Pastoralists Truly Conservationists?’”  Current Anthropology 41:626-627.

57.      2000   “Brief Notes on Observations in Spain.”  Anthropology Newsletter 41:9:41-42.

58.      2001   Folk song text (collected and translated by myself), five photographs I took, and summary of my research writings on Hong Kong, published in Elizabeth Johnson:  Recording a Rich Heritage: Research on Hong Kong’s ‘New Territories.’  Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong.  Pp. 82-88.

59.      2001  “Psychology and a Sustainable Future.”  American Psychologist 56:5:457-458.  (Comment on a series of articles on psychology and the environment.)

60.      2001  “Tropical Forest Game Conservation.”  Conservation Biology 15:791-792.  (Edited comment; major journal.)

61.      2002  Comment on “Maya Medicine in the Biomedical Gaze” by Ronald Nigh.  Current Anthropology 43:789-790.

62.        2003  “Tropical Multiple Use.”  Journal of Conservation Ecology 7:14.  (Comment on earlier article:  Victor Toledo, B. Ortiz-Espejel, L. Cortes, P. Moguel, M. D. J. Ordonez, 2003, “The Multiple Use of Torpical Forests by Indigenous Peoples in Mexico:  A Case of Adaptive Management,” Journal of Conservation Ecology 7:article 9 online.)

63.       2008  Comment on “Reason and Reenchantment in Cultural Change:  Sustainability in Higher Education” by Peggy Barlett (Current Anthropology 49:1077-1098).  Current Anthropology 49:1090.

64.      2009  Comment on “Cultural Relativity 2.0” by Michael Brown (Current Anthropology 49:363-383).  Current Anthropology 50:251.

65.      2010  Comment on “Attachment and Cooperation in Religious Groups” by Carol Popp Weingarten and James S. Chisholm.  Current Anthropology 51:421-422.

66.     2010  “Ancient and Modern Foods from the Tarim Basin.”  Expedition 52:3:5-6.

67.      2011  “AAA Long-Range Plan.”  (Letter.)  Anthropology News, Feb., p. 3.

68.      2011  “Salt Water Songs of Hong Kong.”   In The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and Popular Literature, Victor H. Mair and Mark Bender (eds.).  New York:  Columbia University Press.  Pp. 145-147.

69.      2012  “Cooking with Kublai Khan.”  Flavor and Fortune 19:4:13-14.

70.      2013  “Folk Nutritional Therapy in Modern China.”  In Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History, TJ Hinrichs and Linda Barnes, eds.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press.  Pp. 259-260. 

71.     2013  “Are Minds Modular?”  (Letter, with answer by Michael Shermer and comment by Steven Pinker.)  Scientific American, May, 8-9.

72.     2-13  “Happiness Now or Later.”  (Letter, with answer by editors.)  Scientific American Mind, July/August, p. 4.

73.     2013  “Foreword.”  In Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia:  Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages, Joshua Lockyer and James R. Veteto, eds.  New York:  Berghahn.  Pp. xi-xviii.

74.     2013.  Preface and two poems, “Desert in Fall” and “Nocturne.”  In A Poet Drives a Truck: Poems by and for Lowell Levant, Ronald Levant, Carol Slatter and Caren Levant, eds.  Copley, OH:  Truck Stop Press.

75.     2016  “Foreword.”  In Shen Nong Bencao Jing: The Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica, translated and edited by Sabine Wilms.  Corbett, OR:  Happy Goat Productions.  Pp. xxiii-xxx.

76.     2018  Comment on Ludwig, David.  2018.  “Revamping the Metaphysics of Ethnobiological Classification.”  Current Anthropology 59:415-438.

77.     2019  “Afterword.”  In American Chinese Restaurants: Society, Culture and Consumption, Jenny Banh and Haiming Liu, eds.  New York: Routledge.  Pp. 301-303.

78.     2020  “Archaeologies of the Heart: People, Land, and Heritage Management in the Pacific Northwest,” by Chelsey Geralda Armstrong and E. N. Anderson.  In Ecologies of the Heart, K. Supernant, K.; J. E. Baxter; N. Lyons, S. Atalay.  Pp. 39ff.


 1.        1967    “The Ethnoichthyology of the Hong Kong Boat People,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. Printed in Essays on South China’s Boat People, 1972. 105 pp.

2.         1987    Eugene N. Anderson and Evelyn Pinkerton.  “The Kakawis Experience.”  Kakawis Family Development Centre, 68 pp. + appendices.  (Contracted technical study and report to Kakawis Family Development Centre.)

3.         2007  Sun Simiao.  Recipes Worth a Thousand Gold:  The Food Sections.  Tr. Sumei Yi, ed. E. N. Anderson.  Ms circulated electronically.  56 pp.

4.         2007   The Tropical Food Security Garden.  On website,

5.        2015   Sycamore Canyon Natural History.  A report to the Riverside Municipal Museum.  Available on website,


Review Articles

1.         1977    The Chinese by C. Osgood.  Reviews in Anthropology 4:1:17-24. 

2.         1981    Review article of Arthur Kleinman: Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture: An Exploration of the Borderland between Anthropology, Medicine and Psychiatry, and Margaret Lock, East Asian Medicine in Urban Japan.  Reviews in Anthropology 8:1:45-58. 

3.         1984    Cooking, Cuisine and Class by Jack Goody.  Reviews in Anthropology 10:2:89-95. 

4.        1994  Islands, Plants and Polynesians ed. by Paul Alan Cox and Sandra Anne Banack, and Traditional Plant Foods of Canadian Indigenous Peoples: Nutrition, Botany and Use by Harriet Kuhnlein and Nancy J. Turner.  Reviews in Anthropology 23:97-104. 

5.        1995  Human Ecology as Human Behavior by John Bennett, and Radical Ecology by Carolyn Merchant.  Reviews in Anthropology 24:113-122. 

6.        1999  “Native American Cultural Representations of Flora and Fauna.”   Ethnohistory 46:373-382

7.        2000  The Ecological Indian by Shepard Krech.  Journal of Ethnobiology 20:37-42. 

8.        2002  “ New Textbooks Show Ecological Anthropology Is Flourishing.”  Reviews in Anthropology 33:231-242. 

9.        2007  Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture, ed. by Douglas Kennett and Bruce Winterhalder.  Journal of Ethnobiology 27:277-280.

10.     2009  Trying Leviathan:  The Nineteenth-Century New York Court Case that Put the Whale on Trial and Challenged the Order of Nature, by D. Graham Burnett.  Journal of Ethnobiology 29:362-365.

11.      2014  E. N. Anderson and Seth Abrutyn:  “Robert Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution.”  Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 8:111-127.

Short Reviews

(Probably not a complete list, since I think I have missed some announcements from Choice that my short reviews for them were published)

 1.        1966    “La peche au grand filet a Tahiti,” by Paul Ottino. Journal of Polynesian Society 75:1:130-131.

 2.        1967    The Sea Nomads, by David E. Sopher.  Oceania 37:4:313-314.

 3.        1974    Tai Yu Shan: Traditional Ecological Adaptation in a South Chinese Island, by Armando de Silva and The Men and Women of Chung Ho Ch’ang, by Mary B. Treudley.  American Anthropologist 76:3:610-611.

 4.        1975    December’s Child, by Thomas Blackburn.  Journal of California Anthropology 2:2:241-244.

 5.        1975    Chinese Symbols and Superstitions by H. T. Morgan, Journal of American Folklore.  Spring 1975.

 6.        1976    California: Five Centuries of Cultural Contrasts by J. Nava and B. Barger.  Journal of California Anthropology 3:3:100-102.

 7.        1977    The Eye of the Flute by T. Hudson et al. Journal of California Anthropology 4:1:1-141-142.

 8.        1977    Migrants of the Mountains by W.R. Geddes  Ethnopharmacology Society Newsletter 1:1:5-6.

 9.        1977    Fig Tree John: An Indian in Fact and Fiction by P. Beidler, Journal of California Anthropology 4:2:322.

10.       1978    Food in Chinese Culture by Charles W. Hayford, Journal of Asian Studies XXXVII:4:738-40.

11.       1978    Edible and Useful Plants of California by Charlotte Clarke, Journal of California Anthropology 5:1:139-140.

12.       1981    Chinese Village Politics in the Malaysian State by Judith Strauch, Newsletter of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology 5:3:17-19. 

13.       1981    Manna: An Historical Geography by R.A. Donkin, Journal of Historical Geography 7:3:329-330.

14.       1983    “Cities in China” film series (three films: “Xian,” “Suzhou,” Biejing”).  American Anthropologist 85:2:491-492.

15.       1984    Shenfan by William Hinton, American Anthropologist 1986:1002.

16.       1984    Nourishment of Life by Linda Koo, Social Science and Medicine 20:3:350-354.

17.       1985    Living the Fishing by Paul Thompson, et al, Urban Life 14:3:350-354.

18.       1987    Wives and Midwives by Carol Laderman, Medical Anthropology Newsletter.

19.       1987    Man and Land in Chinese History by Kang Chao, American Asian Review V:3:105-107.

20.      1987     Medicine in China History, Vol. 1: A History of Ideas.  Vol. 2: A History of Pharmaceutics.  Vol. 3: Nan-Ching: The Classic of Difficult Issues by Paul Unschuld, American Asian Review V:3:115-118.

21.      1988     The Cambridge History of China, vol. I: The Ch’in and Han Empires, ed. by Denis Twitchett and Michael Loewe, American Asian Review VI:1:78-82.

22.      1990     Disputers of the Tao by A. C. Graham.  American Asian Review 8:4:135-139.

23.      1991     Cannibalism in China by Key Ray Chong.  American Asian Review 9:2:109-112.

24.      1991     Native North American Interaction Patterns by Regna Darnell and Michael K. Foster, eds.  Culture: Journal of the Canadian Anthropological Society, pp. 92-94.

25.      1991  Nch’i Wana: The Big River by Eugene Hunn.  American Anthropologist 93:4:1002-1003.

26.      1991  With Bitter Herbs They Shall Eat It by Timothy Johns.  Journal of Ethnobiology 11:2:184-186.

27.      1992  Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life by Richard S. MacNeish.  Journal of Ethnobiology 12:198-26.

28.      1993  Coyote Stories and A Salishan Autobiography by Mourning Dove.  Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 18:2:84-85.          

29.      1993  Tangweera by C. Napier Bell.  Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 18:2:85-86.

30.      1994  The Flowering of Man by Dennis Breedlove and Robert Laughlin.  Economic Botany 48:1:101-102.

31.      1995  The Cuba Commission Report: A Hidden History of the Chinese in Cuba ed. by Dennis Helly.  Journal of Caribbean Studies 10:99-101.

32.      1995  Chumash Healing by Phillip L. Walker and Travis Hudson.  Journal of Ethnobiology 14:184.

33.      1995  Environmental Values in American Culture by Willett Kempton, James S. Boster, and Jennifer A. Hartley.  Choice 33.2.

34.      1995  Prophets of Agroforestry:  Guaraní Communities and Commercial Gathering by Richard K. Reed.  Choice 33:3.

35.      1995  Memoirs of an Indo Woman: Twentieth-Century Life in the East Indies and Abroad by Marguerite Schenkhuizen, ed. and trans. by Lizelot Stout van Balgooy.  Anthropology and Humanism 20:172-173.

            1995  Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution, by Donald Henry.  Choice 33-4589.

36.      1996  Earth’s Insights by J. Baird Callicott.  Journal of Ethnobiology 16:130-131.

37.      1996  Eat Not This Flesh (2nd edn.) by Frederick Simoons.  Journal of Ethnobiology 16:128-130.

38.      1996  Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad ed. by Nicole Constable.  Choice 34:4.

39.      1997  Green Guerrillas ed. by Helen Collinson.  Choice 34:6.

40.      1997  Humanity’s Descent by Rick Potts.  Choice 35:1.

41.      1997  Hunting the Wren by Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence.  Journal of Ethnobiology 17:67-68.

42.      1997  The Animal World of the Pharaohs by Patrick F. Houlihan.  Journal of Ethnobiology 17:135-136.

43.      1997  Wild Men in the Looking Glass and The Artificial Savage by Roger Bartra.  Journal of Ethnobiology 17:136-138.

44.      1997  Eco Homo by Noel T. Boaz.  Choice 35:4.

45.      1997  Greenlanders, Whales, and Whaling by Richard Caulfield.  Choice 35:4.

46.      1998  Shamanic Songs and Myths of Tuva by Mihaly Hoppal.  Choice 35:5.

47.      1998  Bhutan: Mountain Fortress of the Gods ed. by Christian Schicklgruber and Francoise Pommaret.  Choice 35:7.

48.       1998  Uncommon Ground by Victoria Strang.  Choice 35:7.

49.       1998  Knowledges: Culture, Counterculture, Subculture by Peter Worsley.  Choice 35:10.

50.       1998  Contested Arctic ed. by Eric Alden Smith and Joan McCarter.  Choice 35:10.

51.       1998  Natural Premises:  Ecology and Peasant Life in the Western Himalaya, 1800-1950 by Chetan Singh.  Choice 36:5.

52.       1998  Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent, by Meredith Small.  Choice 36:2.

53.       1999  Golden Arches East:  McDonald’s in East Asia, edited by James L. Watson.  Anth rpos 94:307-310.                

54.       1999  Wisdom from a Rainforest, by Stuart Schlegel.  Choice 36:8.

55.       1999  Siren Feasts, by Andrew Dalby.  Journal of Ethnobiology 18:2:188.

56.       1999  Building a New Biocultural Synthesis, ed. by Alan Goodman and Thomas Leatherman.  Choice 36:10.

57.       1999  Rebuilding the Local Landscape:  Environmental Management in Burkina Faso,

by Chris Howorth.  Choice 37:3.

58.       2000  That Complex Whole:  Culture and the Evolution of Human Behavior, by Lee Cronk.  Choice 37:5.

59.       2000  Anthropology of Food: The Social Dynamics of Food Scarcity by Johan Pottier.  Anthropos 95:1:296-298.

60.      2000  Plants for Food and Medicine  ed. by H. D. V. Prendergast, N. L. Etkin, D. R. Harris, and P. J. Houghton.  American Anthropologist 102:50-51.

61.      2000  Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands by Mark J. Hudson.  Choice 37:7.

62.       2000  Sustaining the Forest, the People, and the Spirit by Thomas Davis.  Choice 37:10.

63.       2000  Las Plantas de la Milpa entre los Maya by Silvia Teran and Christian Rasmussen.  Journal of Ethnobiology 19:219-220.

64.       2000  The Ambonese Curiosity Cabinet, by Georgius Everhardus Rumphius.   Journal of Ethnobiology 19:258-259.

65.       2000  The Great Maya Droughts, by Richardson Gill.  Choice 38:3.

66.       2001  In One’s Own Shadow: An Ethnographic Account of the Condition of Post-Reform Rural China, by Xin Liu.  Choice 38:3.

67.       2001  Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and Its Trasnformations: Critical Anthropological Perspectives, ed. by Roy Ellen, Peter Parkes, and Alan Bicker.  Choice 38:10.

68.        2001  Portraits of “Primitives”:  Ordering Human Kinds in the Chinese Nation, by Susan Blum. Choice 38:10.

69.        2001  Between Mecca and Beijing:  Modernization and Consumption among Urban Chinese Muslims, by Maris Boyd Gillette.  Choice 38:10.

70.        2001  Feeding the World, by Vaclav Smil.  Journal of Ethnobiology 20:217-221.

71.        2001  El Bosque Mediterráneo en el Norte de África, by Jesús Charco.  Journal of Ethnobiology 20:237-238.

72.         2001  The Age of Wild Ghosts:  Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China, by Erik Mueggler. Choice 39:02. 

73.        2001  Environmental Anthropology:  From Pigs to Politics, by Patricia Townsend.  Choice 39:1.

74.        2001  New Directions in Anthropology and Environment: Intersections, ed. by Carole Crumley.  Choice 39:4.

75.        2001  Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Precolumbian Americas, ed. by David Lentz.  Journal of Ethnobiology 21:53-55.

76.        2001  The Ecological Indian:  Myth and Reality, by Shepard Krech III.  Journal of Ethnobiology 20:37-42.

76a.        2002  A Society without Fathers or Husbands, by Hua Cai.  Choice 39:5.

77.        2002  The Hmong of China: Context, Agency, and the Imaginary, by Nicholas Tapp.  Choice 39:5.

78.        2002  Cocina indigena y popular, by CONACULTA.  Petits Propos Culinaires 69:124-125.

79.        2002  Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light, by Sachiko Murata.  Philosophy East and West 52:257-260.

80.         2002  Hosts and Guests Revisited: Tourism Issues of the 21st Century, ed. by Valene Smith and Maryann Brent.   Choice 39:08.

81.         2002  Black Rice, by Judith A. Carney.  Journal of Ethnobiology 21:53-54.

82.         2002  Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia, ed. by David Wu and Tan Chee-Beng.  Journal of Asian Studies 61:2:689-691.

83.         2002  Mayo Ethnobotany, by David Yetman and Thomas VanDevender.  Choice 39:11.

84.         2002  Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, ed. by Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden.  Anthropos 97:573-574.

85.          2002  The Cambridge World History of Food, ed. by Kenneth Kiple and Kriemhild Ornelas.  Journal of Ethnobiology 22:163-164.

86.          2002  Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China by Stevan Harrell.  Choice 40:03.

87.          2002  Culture, Environment, and Conservation in the Appalachian South, ed. by Benita J. Howell.  Choice 40:3.

88.           2002  Appetites:  Food and Sex in Postsocialist China, by Judith Farquhar.  Choice 40:04.

89.           2003  When Culture and Biology Collide, by E. O. Smith.  Choice 40:3479.

90.           2003  The World and the Wild, ed. by David Rothenberg and Marta Ulvaeus.  Pacific Affairs 75:4:588.

91.           2003  China to Chinatown:  Chinese Food in the West, by J. A. G. Roberts.  Journal of Asian Studies 62:569-571.

92.            2003  Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia, ed. by David Wu and Tan Chee-beng.  Anthropos 98:620-622.

93.            2003  Crafting Tradition, by Michael Chibnik.  Choice 41-1618.

94.            2003  New Year Celebrations in Central China in Late Imperial Times, by Goran Aijmer.  Choice 41-2554.

95.            2004  Moral Politics in a South Chinese Village:  Responsibility, Reciprocity and Resistance, by Hok-Bun Ku.  Choice 41-5442.

96.            2004  Indus Ethnobiology, ed. by Steven A Weber and William R. Belcher.  Choice 41-5993.

97.            2004  Food in the Ancient World from A to Z, by Andrew Dalby.  Journal of Ethnobiology 24:163-164.

98.            2004  Political Ecology:  An Integrative Approach to Geography and Evnironment-Development Studies, ed. by Karl Zimmerer and Thomas J. Bassett.  Choice 41-6682.

99.             2004  Social History and African Environments, ed. by William Beinart and JoAnn McGregor.  Choice 41-6689.

100.            2004  The Nehalem Tillamook:  An Ethnography, by Elizabeth Derr Jacobs.  Choice 41-1026.

101.           2004  The Retreat of the Elephants, by Mark Elvin.  Journal of Ethnobiology 24:352-354.

102.           2004  Anthropology of the Performing Arts, by Anya Royce.  Choice 42:3518.

103.           2004  Miniature Crafts and Their Makers:  Palm Weaving in a Mexican Town.  Choice 42:6669.

104.           2005  Political Ecology, by Paul Robbins.  Choice 42-5341.

105.           2005  Miniature Crafts and Their Makers:  Palm Weaving in a Mexican Town, by Katrin S. Flechsig.  Choice 2004:10393.

106.           2005  Collapse:  How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, by Jared Diamond.  Journal of Ethnobiology 25:143-145.

107.          2005  The Origin and Evolution of Cultures, by Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson.  Choice 43:1027.

108.         2005  Facing the Wild:  Ecotourism, Conservation and Animal Encounters, by Chilla Bulbeck.  Choice 43:1641.

109.         2005  Intelligence in Nature:  An Inquiry in Knowledge, by Jeremy Narby.  Choice 43:2765.

110.           2006  Tending the Wild:  Native American Knowledge and the Management of Calfornia’s Natural Resources, by Kat Anderson.  Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 25:255-258.

111.           2006  Survival Skills of Native California, by Paul D. Campbell.  Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 25:262-263.

112.          2006  Food Plants of China, by Hu Shiu-Ying.  Journal of Ethnobiology 26:165-167.

113.          2006.  Where Rivers and Mountains Sing:  Sound, Music and Nomadism in Tuva and Beyond, by Theodore Levin.  Choice 44:0226.

114.          2006  Miraculous Response:  Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China, by Adam Yuet Chau.  Choice 44-0394.

116.         2006  People and Nature: An Introduction to Human Ecological Relations, by Emilio Moran.  Choice 44:2770. 

117.        2006  As Days Go By:  Our History, Our Land, and Our People—The Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla, ed. by Jennifer Karson.  Choice 45-1077

118.        2007  Be of Good Mind:  Essays on the Coast Salish, ed. by Bruce Granville Miller.  Choice 45:2204.

119.         2007  The Earth Only Endures:  On Reconnecting with Nature and Our Place in It, by Jules Pretty.  Choice 45:4461.

120.       2007  Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Natural Resource Management, ed. by Charles R. Menzies.  American Anthropologist 109:571-572.

121.        2008  “An Anthropology of Chocolate.”  Review article on Chocolate in Mesoamerica:  A Cultural History of Cacao, ed. by Cameron McNeil.  American Anthropologist 110:71-73.

122.        2008  Chumash Ethnobotany:  Plant Knowledge among the Chumash People of Southern California, by Jan Timbrook.  Choice 45-6271.

123.        2008  Chumash Ethnobotany:  Plant Knowledge among the Chumash People of Southern California, by Jan Timbrook.  Journal of Ethnobiology 28:136-138.

124.        2008  Animals the Ancestors Hunted:  An Account of the Wil Mammals of the Kalam Area, Papua-new Guinea, by Ian Saem Majnep and Ralph Bulmer.  Journal of Ethnobiology 28j:134-136.

125.        2008  Wild Harvest in the Heartland:  Ethnobotany in Missouri’s Little Dixie, by Justin Nolan.   Journal of Ethnobiology 28:139-140.

126.       2008  Life in a Kam Village in Southwest China, 1930-1949, by Ou Chaoquan, tr. by D. Norman Geary.  Brill, 2007.

127.        2008  Kinship and Food in South East Asia, ed. by Monica Janowski and Fiona Kerlogue.  Copenhagen:  NIAS press, 2007.  Anthropos 103:2:598-599.

128.        2008  The Nature of an Ancient Maya City:  Resources, Interaction and Power at Blue Creek, Belize, by Thomas Guderjan.  Choice 46-1659.

129.        2008  Environmental Anthropology: a historical reader, ed. by Michael R. Dove and Carol Carpenter.  Choice 46-1566.

130.       2008  Koekboya (and) Nomads in Anatolia, by Harald Bőhmer.  Journal of Ethnobiology 28:318-319.

131.      2009  The Fishermen’s Frontier:  People and Salmon in Southeast Alaska, by David F. Arnold.  Choice 46-4615.

132.      2009  State and Ethnicity in China’s Southwest, by Xiaolin Guo.  Choice 46-5188.

133.      2009  Christmas Island:  An Anthropological Study, by Simone Dennis.  Choice 46-6282.

134.      2009  Against the Grain, ed. by Bradley Walters, Bonnie J. McCay, Paige West and Susan Lees.  Journal of Ethnobiology 29:360-362.

135.     2010  Spirits of the Air:  Birds and American Indians in the South, by Shepard Krech.  Choice 47-3251.

136.     2010  California Indians and the Environment:  An Introduction (2nd edn.), by Kent Lightfoot and Otis Parrish.  Choice 47-3252.

137.     2010  Biocultural diversity and indigenous ways of knowing: human ecology in the Arctic, by Karim-Aly Kassam.  University of Calgary Press,  2009.  Choice 47-5105.

138.     2010  Terres de Vanoise:  Agriculture en Montagne Savoyarde, by Brien Meilleur.  Journal of Ethnobiology 30:173-174.

139.     2010  Material Choices:  Refashioning Bast and Leaf Fibres in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, edited by Roy Hamilton and Lynne Milgram.  Ethnobiology Letters 1:3.

140.     2010  Trying Leviathan, by D. Graham Burnett.  Ethnobiology Letters 1:4-6.

141.     2010  Grass Roots:  African Origins of an American Art, edited by Dale Rosengarten, Theodore Rosengarten, and Enid Schildkrout.  Ethnobiology Letters 1:7-8.

142.     2010.  Spirits of the Air:  Birds and American Indians in the South, by Shepard Krech III.  Ethnobiology Letters 1:16-17.

143.     2010.  Naming Nature:  The Clash between Instinct and Science, by Carol Kaesuk Yoon.  Ethnobiology Letters 1:30-32.

144.     2010  After the first full moon in April: a sourcebook of herbal medicine from a California Indian elder, by Josephine Grant Peters and Beverly R. Ortiz.  Choice 48-1558.

145.     2010  Jungle laboratories: Mexican peasants, national projects, and the making of the pill, by Gabriela Soto Laveaga.  Choice 48-2255.

146.     2011  Different truths: ethnomedicine in early postcards, by Peter A. G. M. de Smet.  Kit Publishers, 2010.  Choice 48-2759.

147.     2011  Biocultural diversity conservation: a global sourcebook, by Luisa Maffi and Ellen Woodley.    Earthscan Publications Ltd., 2010.  Choice 48-2767.

148.     2011  Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, by Raymond Pierotti.  Ethnobiology Letters 2:3-5.

149.     2011  Feeding the People, Feeding the Spirit:  Revitalizing Northwest Coastal Indian Food, ed. by Elise Krohn and Valerie Segrest.  Ethnobiology Letters 2:45.

150.     2011  Dark Green Religion, by Bron Taylor.  Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Cultue 5:2:244-245.

151.  2011  Troubled Natures, by Peter Wynn Kirby. Choice 48-6986.

152.     2012  The Banana Tree at the Gate, by Michael Dove.  Ethnobiology Letters 3:13.

153.     2012  From the Hands of the Weaver, ed. by Jacilee Wray.  Choice 50-2152

154.     2012  Walking the Land, Feeding the Fire: Knowledge and Stewardship among the Tlcho Dene.  Choice 50-2267.

155.  2012  Swamplife: People, Gators and Mangroves Entangled in the Everglades, by Laura Ogden.  Choice 49-3461.

156.  2012.  Our Nelson Island Stories, ed. by Ann Fienup-Riordan. Choice 49-3334.

157.  2012  Instituting Nature: Authority Expertise, and Power in Mexican Forests, by Andrew Mathews.  Choice 49-5757.

158.  2012.  Crude Domination: An Anthropology of Oil, ed by Andrea Behrends, Stephen P. Reyna, and Gunther Schlee.  Choice 49-5152.

159.  2012  The Modern Maya: Incidents of Travel and Friendship in Yucatan, by Macduff Everton.  Choice 50-0365.

160.     2013  Spiritual Ecology, by Leslie Sponsel.  Current Anthropology 54:245-247.

161.     2013  Stealing Shining Rivers, by Molly Doane.  Choice 50-5663.

162.     2013  The Ordination of a Tree, by Susan Darlington.  Choice 50-6248.

163.     2013  Environmental Anthropology, ed by Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet.  Choice 51-1575.

164.     2014  Environmental Winds, by Michael Hathaway.  Choice 51-2805.

165.     2014.  How Forests Think, by Eduardo Kohn.  Choice 51-2744.

166.     2014  Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains, by Gilbert Wilson.  Choice 52-2068.

167      2014  Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas, ed. by Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Jennifer Kramer, and Ki-Ke-In.  Choice 51-3635.

168      2014  The Ecology of the Barí: Rainforest Horticulturalists of South America, by Stephen Beckerman and Roberto Lizarralde.  Choice 51-4520.

169      2014  The Bushmen, by Jiro Tanaka.  Choice 52-1491.

170      2014  Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains, by Gilbert Wilson.  Choice 52-2068.

171      2015.  Hunters, Predators and Prey: Inuit Perceptions of Animals, by Frederic Laugrand.  Choice 52-4291.

172.     2015  Islands’ Spirit Rising: Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii.  Choice 52-4414.

173.     2015.  The Sea Is My Country: The Maritime World of the Makahs, an Indigenous Borderland People, by Joshua Reid.  Choice 53-0957.

174.     2015  Tikal: Paleoecology of an Ancient Maya City, by David L. Lentz, Nicholas Dunning and Vernon Scarborough (eds.).  Choice 53-1796.

175.     2016  The Relative Native: Essays on Conceptual Worlds, by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro.  Ethnobiology Letters 7:1:42-44,

176.     2016  The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution, by David Wootton.  Ethnobiology Letters 7:1:55-58,

177.     2016  The Ecology of the Barí: Rainforest Horticulturalists of South America, by Stephen Beckerman and Roberto Lizarralde.  Human Ecology 44:393-394.

178        2016  Embodying Ecological Heritage in a Mayan Community: Health, Happiness and Identity.  Choice 53-5298.

179       2016.  Introduction to Ethnobiology, by Ulysses Paulino-Albuquerque and Rodrigo Romeu Nobrega Alves.  Choice 54-0648.

180.     2016.  Why the Porcupine Is Not a Bird, by Gregory Forth.  Choice 54-0747.

181.     2017  Tracing China: A Forty-Year Ethnographic Journey, by Helen Siu.  Choice 54-3876.

182.     2017  Handbook on Ethnic Minorities of China, ed. by Xiaowei Zang.  Choice 54-4838.

183.     2017  Radical Territories in the Brazilian Amazon, by Laura Zanotti.  Choice 54:3895.

184.     2017  Science and Civilisation in China.  Vol. 6, Biology and Biological Technology.  Part IV: Traditional Botany: An Ethnobotanical Approach, by Georges Métailié.  Translated by Janet Lloyd.  Ethnobiological Letters 8:1:43-45.

185.     2017  Rural China on the Eve of Revolution: Sichuan Fieldnotes, 1949-1950, by G. William Skinner, ed. by Stevan Harrell and William Lavely.  Choice 54-5679.

186.     2017  Empire of Cotton: A Global History, by Sven Beckert.  Ethnobiology Letters 8:1:97-100.

187.     2017  The Patterning Instinct:  A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, by Jeremy Lent.  Choice 44-1414.

188.     2017  Moral Ecology of a Forest: The Nature Industry and Maya Post-Conservation, by José Martinez-Reyes.  Ethnobiology Letters 8:1:142-143.

189.    2018  Chow Chop Suey: Chinese Food and the American Journey, by Anne Mendelson.  Gastronomica, Spring. 2 pp.

190.     2018  Le Monde d’océan indien, by Philippe Beaujard.  Journal of World-Systems Research 24,

191.     2018  Bitter and Sweet: Food, Meaning, and Modernity in Rural China, by Ellen OxfeldAgricultural History 92:271-272.

192.     2018  Rice, Agriculture, and the Food Supply in Premodern Japan by Charlotte von Verschuer, tr. Wendy Cobcroft.  Ethnobiological Letters 9:105-106.

193     2018  Indigeneity and the Sacred, edited by Fausto Sarmiento and Sarah Hitchner.  Choice 55:2132.

194     2018  Social Memory and State Formation in Early China, by Li Min.  Choice 56, issue 3.

195     2018  Bitter and Sweet, by Ellen Oxfeld. Pacific Affairs 91:351-352.

196     2018  Secwepemc People, Land and Laws, by Marianne Ignace and Ronald Ignace.  Ethnobiology Letters 9:2,

197     2018  Poisonous Pandas: Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing in Critical Historical Perspectives, Matthew Kohrman et al.  Choice 56:1250.

198     2018.  Social Memory and State Formation in Early China, by Li Min.  Choice 56:1171.

199     2018  Histoire et voyages des plantes cultivées à Madagascar avant le XVI siècle, by Philippe Beaujard.  Ethnobiology Letters 9:2:245-246.

200     2018  The First Domestication: How Wolves and Humans Coevolved, by Raymond Pierotti and Brandy R. Fogg.  Ethnobiology Letters 9:2:247-249.

201     2018  Domestication Gone Wild, ed. by Heather Swanson, Marianne Lien, and Gro Ween  Choice 56-3191.

202     2019  Coastal Heritage and Cultural Resilience, ed. by Lisa Price and Nemer Narchi. Choice 56-G140.

203     2019  Energy at the End of the World, by Laura Watts.  Choice 56-TJ808.

204     2019  The Southeast Asia Connection: Trade and Politics, by Sing Chew.  Journal of World-System Research, Winter-Spring (online).

205     2019  An Inconstant Landscape: The Maya Kingdom of El Zotz, Guatemala by Thomas Garrison and Stephen Houston.  Choice 56:4382.

206     2019  Anthropomorphizing the Cosmos by Prudence Rice.  Choice 56-4760.

207     2019  Energy at the End of the World by Laura Watts.  Choice 56-4348.

208     2019  Taste, Politics, and Identities in Mexican Food ed. by Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz.  Choice 57-0144.

209      2019  Beyond Repair: Mayan Women’s Protagonism in the Aftermath of Genocidal Harm, by Alison Crosby.  Choice 57-0702.

210      2019  Ambient Temperature and Health in China ed. by Hualiang Lin, Wenjun Ma, and Qiyong Liu.  Doody reviews online.

211     2019  Gao Village Revisited: The Life of Rural People in Contemporary China, by Mobo C. F. Gao.  Choice 57-1416.

212     2019  Oral Health in America: The Stain of Disparity, ed. by Henrie Treadwell and Caswell Evans.  Doody reviews online.

213     2019  Fruit from the Sands: The Silk Road Origins of the Foods We Eat, by Robert Spengler III.  Ethnobiology Letters 10:109-110.

214     2019  Philosophical and Methodological Debates in Public Health, ed. by Jordi Vallverdu, Angel Puyok and Anna Estany.  Doody Enterprises, review online.

215     2019  Multiple Nature-cultures, Diverse Anthropologies.  Choice 57-2320.

216     2020  Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health, 2nd edn, ed. by Harold W. Kohl III, Tinker D. Murray, and Deborah Salvo.  Doody Enterprises, review online.

217     2020  Violence and the Caste War of Yucatan by Wolfgang Gabbert.  Choice 57-3752..

218     2020  Culture, Environment and Health in the Yucatan Peninsula: A Human Ecology Perspective, ed. by Hugo Azcorra and Federico Dickinson.  Doody Enterprises, online.

219     2020  Suckling: Kinship More Fluid, by Fadwa el Guindi.  Doody Enterprises, online.

220     2020  Commercialisation of Medical Care in China, by Rama Baru and Madhurima Nundy.  Doody Enterprises, online.

221     2020  Global Climate Change, Population Displacement, and Public Health: The Next Wave of Migration, by Lawrence Palinkas.  Doody Enterprises, online.

222     2020  Understanding Collapse by Guy Middleton.  Cliodynamics, summer 2020.

223     2020  Asian Fruits and Berries by Kathleen Low.  H-net,

224     2020  Cultivating Nature: The Conservation of a Valencian Working Landscape by Sarah Hamilton.  Environment and Society: Advances in Research 11:148-149.

225     2020  The River That Made Seattle: A Human and Natural History of the Duwamish, by B. J. Cummings.  Choice 58-0856.

226     2020  Theology and Evolutionary Anthropology: Dialogues in Wisdom, Humility, and Grace,ed. by Celia Deane-Drummond and Agustin Fuentes.  Choice 58-1084.

227     2020  Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility, ed. by Wael K. Al-Delaimy, Veerabhandran Ramanathan, and Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo.  Doody Enterprises, online.

228     2020  Ecological Integrity in Science and Law, ed. by Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann, and Matteo Fermeglia.  Doody Enterprises, online.

229     2020  The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: from Farmers’ Fields to Rulers’ Realms, ed. by Marilyn A. Masson, David Freidel, and Arthur A. Demarest.  Choice 58-2036.2

230     2021  Implications of the California Wildfires for Health, Communities, and Preparedness, by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Workshop on Preparedness.  Doody Enterprises, online.

231     2021  Ethical Water Stewardship ed. by Ingrid Stefanovic and Zafar Adeel.  Doody Enterprises, online.

232     2021 Animals through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 2011, ed. by Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert, and Dagmar Schäfer.  Ethnobiology Letters 12:1:14-15.

233     2021  Feeding the People: The Politics of the Potato, by Rebecca Earle.  Ethnobiology Letters 12:1:55-57.

234     2021  Ancient Maya Politics by Simon Martin. Choice 58-3234.

235     2021  Salt in Eastern North America and the Caribbean: History and Archaeology, ed. by Ashley A. Dumas and Paul N. Eubanks.  Choice 59, issue 2, HD-9213, 59-0489.

236     2021  Social Medicine and the Coming Transformation, ed. by Howard Waitzkin, Alina Perez, and Matthew Anderson.  Doody Enterprises, online.

237    2021  The Story of Food in the Human Past: How We Ate Made Us Who We Are, by Robyn E. Cutright.  American Anthropologist, online,

238      2021  Deconstructing Health Inequity: A Perceptual Control Theory Perspective, ed. by Timothy Carey, Sara J. Tai, and Robert Griffiths, eds.  Doody Enterprises, online.