
  • The Environment and China’s Future

    The Environment and China’s Future N. Anderson Dept. of Anthropology University of California, Riverside     ROUGH DRAFT; comments and corrections urgently desired!   This paper is a very modest effort at bringing together quotes and facts from leading scientists on the environmental problems of modern China.  Interpretation and commentary is kept to a minimum, […]

  • Love: A New Model

    Love: a new model   Unpacking “Love” and Loves Positive emotions tend to get lumped as “love” in English and many other languages.  The great cognitive psychologist Jerome Kagan (2006) admonishes us to unpack simple cover terms for psychological states, and see their full complexity.  If we do this with the English word “love,” we […]

  • Basic Human Nature: needs and individuals

    Theory 1:  Needs and Wants   Basic Biology of Knowledge “[T]he economy, social structure, and beliefs of a historical era, like the fence restraining a baboon troop at a zoo, limit each person’s understanding of the world to a small space in which each day is lived”  (Jerome Kagan 2006:253; cf. pp. 195-196).  The simile […]

  • Chickens and Millet: Early Agriculture in China

    Paper delivered at Society of Ethnobiology annual conference, Santa Barbara, CA, May 2015   Chickens and Millet:  The Significance of New Findings in Chinese Food Archaeology Recent findings in archaeology have considerably pushed back the dates for domestication of chickens, millets, rice, pigs, and other domestic life forms of eastern Asia.  North China has taken […]

  • Anthropology and the Arts

    Anthropology and the Arts With Special Attention to Music   N. Anderson   “[T]o take an immediate interest in the beauty of nature…is always a mark of a good soul…it at least indicates a frame of mind favorable to the moral feeling…He who by himself…regards the beautiful figure of a wild flower, a bird, an […]

  • Methodology

    Methodology N. Anderson, 2014   Introduction Anthropology has developed some excellent methods over time, and so have other social sciences.  Not using these is comparable to an astronomer using a spyglass instead of computer-integrated information from modern telescopes, or an anatomist using a paleolithic handaxe instead of a scalpel and microscope.  There is simply no […]