scientific name usage
Scientific Name Usage Non-biologists, including highly trained scientists in other fields, often get confused by scientific names and their usage. This posting is intended to help. Take a familiar plant, the tomato. The name you usually see is Lycopersicon esculentum Miller. This means that the genus—the general category of similar, very closely related plants, […]
The Historical Context of the Huihui Yaofang
The Historical Context of the Huihui Yaofang, a Yuan Medical Encyclopedia “A table without vegetables is like an old man devoid of wisdom.” –Medieval Arab proverb, quoted Ahsan 1979:13 Some general reflections Medical practice is part of culture, and thus influenced by all the factors that influence culture. Everyone knows this now, […]
Origins of Chinese Food
Talk, Confucius Institute, University of California, Davis, May 22, 2014 Origins of Chinese Food: Neolithic Innovations and Early Dynasties E. N. Anderson Dept. of Anthropology University of California, Riverside Abstract Chinese food today is the product of thousands of years of development, involving, among other things, borrowing hundreds of crops from […]
World Food Security in the 21st Century
Talk, South Puget Sound Community College, April 28, 2014 World Food Security in the 21st Century E. N. Anderson Dept. of Anthropology University of California, Riverside, CA 92507 gene@ucr.edu www.krazykioti.com The Problem “DAVOS, 24 January 2014 – Up to 849 million hectares of natural land – nearly the size of Brazil […]
Saving American Education in the 21st Century: Administrators
Administrators E. N. Anderson Professor Emeritus, Anthropology University of California, Riverside In 47 years at UC Riverside, I have seen administrators come and go, and have learned a little about the world of higher-level university administration. My own administrative duties have been low-level, but ongoing and educative. Administrators tend to be […]
Some controversies about agriculture and change in late Imperial China
Some Controversies about Agriculture and Change in Late Imperial China E. N. Anderson WARNING: Preliminary draft, not all checked out thoroughly. I’m confident enough of it to allow quotation with proper citation, but be warned. I would deeply appreciate corrections, commentary, and discussion! Population Growth The great drama of late imperial China […]