
  • Maya Ethnobotany: Four Studies

    Maya Ethnobotany:  Four Studies   E. N. Anderson   1.  Yucatan Maya Herbal Medicine:  Practice and Future                                      2 2.  Wild Plum Shoots and Jicama Roots:  Food Security in Quintana Roo Maya Life                                                                        12 3.  African Influences on Maya Foods                                                            21 4.  From Sacred […]

  • The Morality of Ethnobiology

    Doctor Faustus, Ethnobiologist: The Morality of Ethnobiology   E. N. Anderson Dept. of Anthropology and Center for Conservation Biology University of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0418     Abstract   Recent debates over bioprospecting, biopiracy, and indigenous intellectual property rights have raised some basic ethical issues that lie well outside the ordinary province of anthropology […]

  • Saving American Education in the 21st Century:

    Part I:  K-12 1 Modern classroom education is very different from traditional teaching.  A teacher lectures, often in highly abstract terms, and often with no demonstration (though perhaps with “visuals”—not necessary very relevant or revealing ones).  Students copy facts and memorize them.  Testing does not involve making the students do what they’ve learned; it involves […]

  • Saving American Education in the 21st Century: The Lessons of Traditional Environmental Education

    A paper based on this posting is under consideration for publication. Abstract Education in science, natural history, and the environment was carried out in traditional societies largely through learning-by-doing, supplemented by watching and by listening to tales and stories.  These stories were usually either myths or highly circumstantial personal memoirs told by elders and mentors.  […]

  • Anthropology Theory and History Bibliography

    Anthropological Theory Some Useful Readings on Theory and History:  Basic Sources and Modern Reviews Not intended to be comprehensive or even representative–just some things I find useful. “Heard some anthropology talk, yes siree! We’re all descended from a family tree….” From “Anthropology” by Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie “Bird” Parker Abrutyn, Seth.  2009.   “Towards a General […]

  • Ethics (background to THE PURSUIT OF ECOTOPIA)

    Between Us and Things E. N. Anderson Supplementary Online Material:  Ethics General Considerations 1             We now know that humans are born with a great deal of moral equipment, some of which goes so far back in time that we share it with chimpanzees (de Waal 2005).  However, moral instincts determine only very basic concerns.  […]